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⇒ Libro A Lady Charade The Rules of Chivalry Book 1 edition by Eliza Knight Romance eBooks

A Lady Charade The Rules of Chivalry Book 1 edition by Eliza Knight Romance eBooks

Download As PDF : A Lady Charade The Rules of Chivalry Book 1 edition by Eliza Knight Romance eBooks

Download PDF A Lady Charade The Rules of Chivalry Book 1  edition by Eliza Knight Romance eBooks

From across a field of battle, English knight, Alexander, Lord Hardwyck, spots the object of his desire—and his conquest, Scottish traitor Lady Chloe.

Her lies could be her undoing…

Abandoned across the border and disguised for her safety, Chloe realizes the man who besieged her home in Scotland has now become her savior in England. Her life in danger, she vows to keep her identity secret, lest she suffer his wrath, for he wants her dead.

Or love could claim them both and unravel two countries in the process…

Alexander suspects Chloe is not who she says she is and has declared war on the angelic vixen who's laid claim to his heart. A fierce battle of the minds it will be, for once the truth is revealed they will both have to choose between love and duty.

A Lady Charade The Rules of Chivalry Book 1 edition by Eliza Knight Romance eBooks

This book could have been a lot better. While the storyline isn't too bad, it doesn't have many twists, and the author's misuse of English was... annoying, to say the least. Nothing detracts from the flow of a novel more than poor language skills on the part of the author, and this book had that in spades.

The author needs to learn the difference between 'effect' and 'affect'. For example, "had started to take affect" should have been "had started to take EFFECT". Likewise, in another sentence, "She hoped she would get the affect she desired' should have been 'the EFFECT she desired'.

A mantel is a shelf that projects from above a fireplace. A mantle is a cape or covering. Unfortunately Ms. Knight used both terms to describe the same garment.

The phrases that I found most egregious: "She had to of woken." I do believe the author meant "She had to HAVE woken" -- and the sentence that started with the words "The baroness' face look sad, and lost." Yes, the correct possessive was used.... but the subsequent lack of past tense in the verb turned it into a senseless sentence.

Grammatical errors aside, the book was fairly predictable. With a better editor it might have been worth 4 stars.

Product details

  • File Size 4754 KB
  • Print Length 344 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Eliza Knight (June 10, 2011)
  • Publication Date June 10, 2011
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B0055IHTT2

Read A Lady Charade The Rules of Chivalry Book 1  edition by Eliza Knight Romance eBooks

Tags : A Lady's Charade (The Rules of Chivalry Book 1) - Kindle edition by Eliza Knight. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Eliza Knight,A Lady's Charade (The Rules of Chivalry Book 1),Eliza Knight,Fiction Romance Historical Medieval,Fiction Romance Historical Scottish
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A Lady Charade The Rules of Chivalry Book 1 edition by Eliza Knight Romance eBooks Reviews

I liked the adventure and the book has some steamy lovr scenes! I liked Alex 's character but could'nt really connect with Chloe somehow. Was it me or was the timeline off?It seemed to me Chloe was at Hardiwick only about 2weeks before Alexander came back ,confronted her with the satchel,gave her time to tell him herself and had her telling him the truth,and that she loved him? Afterward declaring his love he immediately sets off to go find the king and ask permission to marry her,yet several times they speak of months knowing each other,it just nagged at me. The Rebecca storyline was also off,never found out what happened to her or James. It just seemed the author rushed through.
what a great Book..I read over 1000 romance books over time..mostly Historical and Paranormal romance..So sometimes it is hard for me to find a good book to read....I read good ones and not so good ones.....this will be a keeper..well done..give it a try ..u will love it..I will read more books from this Author..
Very sweet story with a few good twists and turns. I love the author's style and easy way with words.
The story was great.
The characters were great.
The love scenes were GREAT.
Everything was great.
Eliza Knight's storytelling is high quality. You won't be sorry.
Never thought I would think a book by Eliza Knight was boring...I'm skipping over the excessive amount of inner dialog ...having a hard time even finishing it..but since I paid 3.99 for it, I probably will...can't recommend it....move on to more recently released books by her...
Lord Alexander Drake has been sent to re-take South Hearth Castle, a holding in northern England belonging to his father that has been taken by Baron Fergusson. Alexander, by the king's decree, is also to marry Fergusson's daughter, Chloe, to insure that South Hearth will be held by the English. Alexander sees Chloe at a distance while seated on his horse before the wall of the castle; he points his sword to her and states, "you are mine". Chloe flees the castle with her maid, Nicola. Alexander eventually locates Chloe; but he is not certain at first she is the same woman due to the state he finds her in; but he takes her back to his castle at Hardwyck where he installs her as chatelaine.
ok - I loved it! I won't write a summary because other reviewers have done an excellent job of that, so I will tell you what I loved most.

The H, Lord Alexander, is scrumptious and everything a true Highlander Lord should be. Not only is he strong, brave, arrogant, sexy, handsome, passionate, and totally in love with the h, he is also vulnerable and unsure of his emotions (when it comes to the h). Sometimes when the H is too perfect in a story, it is hard to relate to a real character. Eliza Knight did it again in this wonderful story about romance, nasty villains, courage, fear, bravery, and love.

The h helps the H change his thinking for the better in regards to his village and how he treats and feels about everyone. He grew up with a horrendous father who trained him to be too harsh and uncaring. The H thought it was how he was supposed to behave, but once he "finds" the h and falls for her and her tenderness, he finally sees that there are other ways of being a strong Lord.

Eliza Knight has a wonderful way of detailing the surroundings, clothes, and characters without spending pages upon pages of description. I felt as though I was right there and could "see" the highlands around me. Loved it and would recommend to anyone wanting/needing a highland romance with fantastic characters, love that we can only dream of, a villain that I did not see coming (wow - I can usually spot them right away), and a story line that is extremely interesting and original. Keep them coming Eliza - hehehe

Enjoy! )
This book could have been a lot better. While the storyline isn't too bad, it doesn't have many twists, and the author's misuse of English was... annoying, to say the least. Nothing detracts from the flow of a novel more than poor language skills on the part of the author, and this book had that in spades.

The author needs to learn the difference between 'effect' and 'affect'. For example, "had started to take affect" should have been "had started to take EFFECT". Likewise, in another sentence, "She hoped she would get the affect she desired' should have been 'the EFFECT she desired'.

A mantel is a shelf that projects from above a fireplace. A mantle is a cape or covering. Unfortunately Ms. Knight used both terms to describe the same garment.

The phrases that I found most egregious "She had to of woken." I do believe the author meant "She had to HAVE woken" -- and the sentence that started with the words "The baroness' face look sad, and lost." Yes, the correct possessive was used.... but the subsequent lack of past tense in the verb turned it into a senseless sentence.

Grammatical errors aside, the book was fairly predictable. With a better editor it might have been worth 4 stars.
Ebook PDF A Lady Charade The Rules of Chivalry Book 1  edition by Eliza Knight Romance eBooks

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